You need a nanny like Mary Poppins
for your online business!
Streamlining Your Success with Expertise in Processes, Systems, and People Management
Transform your business operations with a touch of magic. Let us be the Mary Poppins to your company, organizing and optimizing with a spoonful of efficiency and a dash of delight.
Feel like you’re surviving, but would rather thrive?
What got you here, won’t get you there. Allow us to be the winds of change you need inside of your business.
Eyes to Analyze has an endless bag of tricks that when applied to your business will bring the order and structure that may be missing. You’re clear on the why, let us worry about the how.
Your skills bring you joy, running a business may not.
Remember starting your business and getting great satisfaction from the work that you do?
Suddenly you were getting bogged down in the chores that need doing to keep the business going. I’m ready to meet you where you are and guide you to where you want to be.
Surrounding yourself with the right support means you can be most authentically you as a business owner and entrepreneur. Eyes to Analyze will get the chores done so you can go out and make magic happen, diving into the next adventure and opportunity.
Forget that to-do list
Put down those spreadsheets.
We Make Running Your Business Super Easy
Remember the old days, when you were just starting your business? You had an idea. And you made it happen.
In fact…you made everything happen.
You were the marketing department, the driver, the head of HR, the office manager. All the coordinating, recording, checking, data entry, filing, figuring out… was your job.
All the business processes were up to you.
You probably set your systems up as you went… You had to. Just to get you to the next week.
“Once I get the ball rolling,” you figured, “then I’ll hand this stuff off.”
So…why are you still messing with that spreadsheet?
Why haven’t you automated those standard business processes?
Why are you training every person on every detail…over and over?
Why are you still connecting all the same dots every week?
You have the whole business stored in your head. But handing off these processes feels…overwhelming.
How do you explain it all? How do you analyze it, streamline it, clarify it, systematize it, manage it, automate it?
Now…You don’t have to.
I map out business processes and smooth out the workflow so your business functions like a clock.
You know that big pile of disconnected projects, the invoices, the winding business processes?
You know all those things you have to do because explaining it is way too hard?
Just dump that pile on me. I’ll figure out the cleanest path between those points.
Seriously, you relax. Think of me as your business babysitter! Let me clear that desk for you.